Pelican Connect
- Tips for Evaluating Notifications in the Pelican System
- Thermostat Notification Configurations
- Thermostat Unreachable
- Understanding a “Cool Failure” Notification
- Understanding a “Heat Failure” Notification
- Understanding an “Economizer Position Failure” Notification
- Understanding the “Door or Window Has Been Left Open” Notification
- Understanding Low Battery Notifications for Pelican Devices
- Can I pay for multiple site subscriptions at once?
- Can I pay for my subscriptions using a purchase order (PO)?
- How do I change my site type (residential, business, hotel)?
- How do I pay for my site’s subscription?
- What does the Standard Subscription provide?
- What is the Subscription Renewal History?
- Why has my subscription expired?
- How do I view my LTE Gateway Subscription Receipt?
- How do I change my LTE Subscription Email Address?
- How Can I Cancel My LTE Gateway Subscription?
Comfort Control
- How do I adjust a room temperature?
- How do I turn off all thermostats for an emergency?
- How do I turn ON-OFF cooling?
- How do I turn ON-OFF heating?
- How do I turn ON-OFF the Fan? - not done
- What does Cool Running mean?
- What does Economizer Active mean?
- What does Fan Running mean?
- What does Heat Running mean?
- What does Space Satisfied mean?
- What does Waiting mean?
- Why did cooling start on its own? - not done
- Why did heating start on its own? - not done
- Directions on maintaining proper ventilation rates: COVID-19
- What is Outside Ventilation in a schedule?
- Does Pelican adjust an outside damper based on fan speed?
- How do I adjust the CO2 level to generate additional ventilation?
- How do I commission a PEARL for proper ventilation?
- How do I turn off ventilation for all thermostats on a poor outdoor air day?
- What are CO2 Levels?
- What do different CO2 levels indicate ?
- Does Pelican detect CO2 levels as a life safety system?
- How do I adjust my CO2 ventilation configuration?
- What is the Outside Ventilation setting?
- Can I schedule a thermostat to a set points beyond its allowable heat or cool range? - not done
- Can I schedule when Fan Circulation Minutes is active?
- What is unoccupied setback in a thermostat schedule?
- How to set set fan to auto during unoccupied setback periods?
- How do I set an a single thermostat's schedule?
- What is Outside Ventilation in a schedule?
- What are the schedule Repeat options?
- What is optimum start?
- Why did cooling start on its own? - not done
- Why did heating start on its own? - not done
- How do I create an event schedule for a single thermostat?
- How do I delete an event scheduled for a single thermostat?
- How do I create an event schedule for multiple thermostats?
- How do I edit a multiple thermostat event scheduled?
- How do I delete a multiple thermostat event scheduled?
- How do I edit an event scheduled for a single thermostat?
- How do I create shared schedules? - not done
- How do I edit a shared schedule?
- How do I create unoccupied set point override periods?
- How do I rename a shared schedule?
- How do I copy an existing shared schedule?
- How do I delete an existing shared schedule?
- How do I create an event schedule for multiple thermostats?
- How do I edit a multiple thermostat event scheduled?
- How do I delete a multiple thermostat event scheduled?
- Can a Pelican thermostat control a floating actuator?
- Can a Pelican thermostat control a two-position actuator?
- Can a Pelican thermostat control a multiple fan speeds?
- Can I "lock-out" compressors based on an outdoor temperature?
- Can I disable or lock a thermostat’s Fan Button?
- Can I disable the thermostat’s internal temperature sensor?
- How do I hide a thermostat on the app?
- How does Pelican assist with freeze prevention?
- How do I control a dual fuel Heat Pump?
- How many Cool Stages do I select for a thermostat?
- How many Fan Stages do I select for a thermostat?
- How many Heat Stages do I select for a thermostat?
- What do I set Heat Needs Fan to?
- What is CO2 Ventilation?
- What is Compressor Lockout?
- What is Cool Range?
- What is Fan Circulation Minutes?
- What is Heat Range?
- What is the difference between Auxiliary and Emergency Heat?
- What should I set a thermostat’s Reversing Valve to?
- What should I set a thermostat’s System Type to?
- What should I set Anticipation Degrees to?
- What should I set Cycles Per Hour to?
- When should I use the thermostat Calibration Degrees?
- What should I set a thermostat’s Zone Controller configuration to?
- What should I set Fan Purge Cycle to?
- What should I set Damper Type to?
- What should I set Reheat Type to?
- What should I set Notification Settings to?
- How to hide a section within an article.
- How can I Delete a Thermostat from a site?
- How do I delete a Wired Temperature Sensor or PEARL Economizer Controller?
- How can I Replace a Thermostat?
- Show all articles ( 18 ) Collapse Articles
- How do I install a Pelican cellular gateway?
- How do I replace a Pelican Cellular gateway with a Pelican Ethernet gateway?
- Can I set a Pelican gateway for a static IP address?
- Do I need a Public IP address for a Pelican gateway?
- Does a Pelican gateway use a DHCP or static IP address?
- Does a Pelican gateway use Inbound firewall ports?
- How do I change a Pelican gateway from static back to DHCP?
- How do I install a Pelican Ethernet gateway?
Zone Coordinator
- Why won’t my zone controller connect?
- What do the lights on the zone controller indicate? - not done
- What does the light on a zone controller's antenna indicate? - not done
- Why is a zone controller unreachable? - not done
- What do the zone controller lights indicate? - not done
- What do the zone controller's antenna lights indicate? - not done
- Zone Controller Dehumidify Sequences
- What do the lights on the zone controller indicate? - not done
- TS Thermostat Symbols
- What do the zone controller's antenna lights indicate? - not done
- What do the zone controller lights indicate? - not done
- What does the light on a zone controller's antenna indicate? - not done
- TC Thermostat Symbols
- How does Pelican control a parallel fan powered box during a heating cycle?
- How does Pelican control a series fan powered box during a heating cycle?
- How does Pelican control a zone box during a heating cycle?
- How does Pelican control a parallel fan powered box during a cooling cycle?
- How does Pelican control a series fan powered box during a cooling cycle?
- How does Pelican control a zone box during a cooling cycle?
- How does Pelican control a parallel fan powered box during a ventilation cycle?
- How does Pelican control a series fan powered box during a ventilation cycle?
- How does Pelican control a zone box during a ventilation cycle?
Power Control
- Articles coming soon
Pelican Connect app
Understanding an “Economizer Position Failure” Notification
An “Economizer Position Failure” notification indicates that the economizer damper is not responding as expected to Pelican control signals. The economizer is a critical component that improves energy efficiency by using outdoor air to cool a building when conditions allow and ensures minimum ventilation rates during occupied periods, keeping fresh air circulating in the space.
This issue can be caused by the following factors, each of which can impact system performance differently:
A malfunction in the economizer actuator or its ability to properly rotate the outside damper.
Improper wiring between the Pelican economizer controller and the outdoor damper actuator(s), preventing correct operation.
Mechanical obstructions blocking the economizer damper from opening or closing properly.
A failure in the outdoor air temperature sensors, leading to incorrect economizer operation.

Why Did You Receive This Notification?
Your Pelican thermostat continuously monitors the economizer’s operation. When the system detects that the economizer is not responding to position commands, fails to open or close properly, or remains in an incorrect state for an extended period, it triggers an “Economizer Position Failure” alert.
This alert helps you proactively address economizer issues before they lead to poor indoor air quality, increased energy consumption, or HVAC system inefficiencies.
These notifications are required by California Title 24 but can be disabled in the Thermostat Configuration by setting Economizer > Track Damper Position to ‘No.’
How to Troubleshoot an “Economizer Position Failure” Notification
Check Basic System Functions
Before analyzing historical data, perform these basic checks:
Verify Power Supply: Ensure the economizer actuator(s) are receiving power and wiring connections are secure.
Inspect the Economizer Damper: Look for any visible obstructions preventing movement, ensure that the outside damper is not stuck in a fixed position, and confirm that it moves freely when manually adjusted.
Check Sensor Readings: Verify that outdoor air temperature sensors are wired correctly, properly installed without being affected by radiant loads, and providing accurate data.
Check Pelican Economizer Configurations: Confirm that the economizer settings align with the intended sequence of operation, that setpoints are properly configured, and that all control parameters are correctly set for the specific system requirements.
If these checks do not reveal the issue, proceed to analyzing trend logs.
Review Trend Data and Manual Operation
Did the economizer operate correctly earlier in the day?
You can check this by reviewing the thermostat history graph and comparing the gray ‘feedback position’ with the green ‘desired position.’
Potential Issue: If the economizer was functioning earlier but later failed, it may indicate:
A slight deviation between the desired economizer position and the feedback from the actuator. If this occurs occasionally, it is not a major concern. However, frequent occurrences may require investigation.
The economizer actuator may have lost its connection to the damper and require realignment or tightening.
Reviewing the trend data on the thermostat history graphs can help determine whether the damper is stuck in a closed or open position or if it is modulating incorrectly.
Did the economizer function properly on previous days?
Potential Issue: If the economizer previously operated correctly but has stopped responding:
The actuator may be failing or may have lost its connection to the damper and require realignment or tightening.
A mechanical issue may be preventing proper damper movement.
Reviewing the trend data on the thermostat history graphs can help determine whether the damper is stuck in a closed or open position or if it is modulating incorrectly.
If you have an economizer feedback, is it reporting movement when commands are sent?
Potential Issues:
If the economizer appears to be stuck in an incorrect position, the actuator may need recalibration or replacement.
If no movement is detected, the actuator may be unresponsive due to wiring issues or a mechanical failure.
Inspect the Economizer System
Does the economizer actuator respond to commands?
Potential Issues: If the actuator does not respond:
Verify that the wiring between the economizer controller and the actuator(s) is intact and correctly connected.
Inspect the actuator motor for signs of failure, such as overheating or unresponsiveness.
Check for mechanical obstructions that may be preventing damper movement and ensure it is not stuck in one position.
Verify Sensor Functionality:
Ensure accurate outdoor air temperature readings—Incorrect values can result in improper economizer operation.
Compare sensor readings to expected values—If discrepancies exist, inspect the wiring between the sensor and the Pelican economizer controller. Electrical interference from nearby high-voltage wires may cause abnormal readings, so ensure sensor wires are appropriately routed.
Manually Override the Economizer Position:
If your economizer actuator allows manual adjustment, try moving the damper to confirm it moves freely.
If the damper is stuck, check for physical obstructions.
If movement is possible manually but not through the controller, there may be a communication issue.
Contact Support for Assistance
If the issue remains unresolved after evaluating the above steps, professional support may be required. Pelican Support offers free virtual troubleshooting to evaluate trend data, check control sequences, and provide additional guidance. If further on-site assistance is needed, contacting your HVAC service provider is recommended.
If the issue remains unresolved after evaluating the above steps, professional support may be required.
For free virtual Pelican assistance: Pelican Support is always available to evaluate trend data, check control sequences, and provide additional troubleshooting assistance for free.
For on-site technical services: Contact your HVAC service provider for a detailed system inspection. Note: we recommend reaching out to our free support team to help reduce technician confusion and pin-point potential equipment issues we can help discover through evaluating trend data and control sequences.
Preventing Future Economizer Failures
To reduce the risk of future economizer issues, consider these best practices:
Schedule regular economizer maintenance to ensure proper operation.
Test the actuator and sensors periodically to catch failures early.
Monitor economizer trends through the Pelican platform to detect potential failures before they impact system performance.
Ensure proper installation and wiring to prevent communication errors.
By following these recommendations, you can maintain an efficient economizer system and optimize energy savings.
For further assistance, contact Pelican Support.