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Temperature and Alarm Sensor (TA1)
Remote Thermostat (RT2-DC)
Wireless Proximity Sensor (PRX1)
Wireless Repeater (WR900)
Wireless PTAC Control (TCM1)
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Gateways (GW Series)
Touch Thermostats (TC Series)
Traditional Thermostats (
Advanced Rooftop Controller (PEARL)
Zone Coordinators (Z Series)
Power Control Module (PM5 Series)
Temperature and Alarm Sensor (TA1)
Remote Thermostat (RT2-DC)
Wireless Proximity Sensor (PRX1)
Wireless Repeater (WR900)
Wireless PTAC Control (TCM1)
Pelican App & Subscription Options
Hospitality Solution
Property Management Interface (CMP-PMS)
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All Products
Gateways (GW Series)
Touch Thermostats (TC Series)
Traditional Thermostats (TS Series)
production ended
Advanced Rooftop Controller (PEARL)
Zone Coordinators (Z Series)
Power Control Module (PM5 Series)
Temperature and Alarm Sensor (TA1)
Remote Thermostat (RT2-DC)
Wireless Proximity Sensor (PRX1)
Wireless Repeater (WR900)
Wireless PTAC Control (TCM1)
Pelican App & Subscription Options
Hospitality Solution
Property Management Interface (CMP-PMS)
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Comfort Control
Pelican Connect
Zone Coordinator
Pelican Connect
Signing In
I cannot log into my account. What should I do?
What is MySites?
Share Site Access
Global Shared Schedules
Multi-Site Subscription Management
Cellular Service Management
Navigating the App
How are rooms organized in a group? - not done
How do I get to a thermostat's climate control page?
How do I navigate the main page? - not done
What do different room status mean?
Add to Home Screen
Add to Smartphone Home Screen - Android
Add to Smartphone Home Screen - iPhone
Add to Tablet Home Screen - Android
Add to Tablet Home Screen - iPad
New Site Setup
How do I create a New Pelican Site? - not done
What should I set Site Type to?
Browser Bookmark
Bookmark App - Google Chrome Browser
Bookmark App - Mozilla Firefox Browser
Usage Graphs
How does Pelican calculate Usage Graphs runtime, cost and energy?
Can I schedule when notifications are active?
When is a low battery notification generated?
What does a cool failure notification mean?
When will a door has been left open notification be generated?
What does a heat failure notification mean?
What does a thermostat unreachable notification mean?
What does an economizer position failure notification mean?
User Management
Does Pelican track user activity?
How do I add a new user to my Pelican site (web-app)?
How do I delete a user from my Pelican site (web-app)?
How do I set up Multi-Factor Authentication?
How do I delete a gateway from my site?
How do I add an additional gateway to my existing site?
How do I replace a gateway?
Why is my gateway unreachable?
What Outbound Ports Does a Pelican Gateway Use?
Site Information
How do I set electrical and gas costs into Pelican?
How do I change my site’s zip code or postal code?
How do I change my site’s time zone?
How do I change my site type (residential, business, hotel)?
Can I pay for multiple site subscriptions at once?
Can I pay for my subscriptions using a purchase order (PO)?
How do I change my site type (residential, business, hotel)?
How do I pay for my site’s subscription?
What does the Standard Subscription provide?
What is the Subscription Renewal History?
Why has my subscription expired?
How do I view my LTE Gateway Subscription Receipt?
How do I change my LTE Subscription Email Address?
How Can I Cancel My LTE Gateway Subscription?
Network Map
Why is the gateway NOT green on the network map?
What are the restart reasons?
What do the colors mean on the Network Map?
Comfort Control
Room Temperature
How do I adjust a room temperature?
How do I turn off all thermostats for an emergency?
How do I turn ON-OFF cooling?
How do I turn ON-OFF heating?
How do I turn ON-OFF the Fan? - not done
What does Cool Running mean?
What does Economizer Active mean?
What does Fan Running mean?
What does Heat Running mean?
What does Space Satisfied mean?
What does Waiting mean?
Why did cooling start on its own? - not done
Why did heating start on its own? - not done
Directions on maintaining proper ventilation rates: COVID-19
What is Outside Ventilation in a schedule?
Does Pelican adjust an outside damper based on fan speed?
How do I adjust the CO2 level to generate additional ventilation?
How do I commission a PEARL for proper ventilation?
How do I turn off ventilation for all thermostats on a poor outdoor air day?
What are CO2 Levels?
What do different CO2 levels indicate ?
Does Pelican detect CO2 levels as a life safety system?
How do I adjust my CO2 ventilation configuration?
What is the Outside Ventilation setting?
Does the PEARL meet California Title 24 Regulations?
How does Pelican calculate outdoor enthalpy levels?
Fan Control
How does a PEARL control a Variable Speed Fan (VFD)?
Remote Sensors
What is the difference between 0% versus Disabled weighted remote sensor averaging?
How do I set which Pelican zone controller a thermostats communicates to?
Why is my thermostat waiting?
Humidity Control
How do I adjust my humidity settings?
What are common humidity levels?
Where is the Pelican thermostat humidity sensor?
What are the Humidity Control Modes in a Thermostat?
Can I schedule a thermostat to a set points beyond its allowable heat or cool range? - not done
Can I schedule when Fan Circulation Minutes is active?
What is unoccupied setback in a thermostat schedule?
How to set set fan to auto during unoccupied setback periods?
How do I set an a single thermostat's schedule?
What is Outside Ventilation in a schedule?
What are the schedule Repeat options?
What is optimum start?
Why did cooling start on its own? - not done
Why did heating start on its own? - not done
Event Schedules
How do I create an event schedule for a single thermostat?
How do I delete an event scheduled for a single thermostat?
How do I create an event schedule for multiple thermostats?
How do I edit a multiple thermostat event scheduled?
How do I delete a multiple thermostat event scheduled?
How do I edit an event scheduled for a single thermostat?
Schedule Dashboard
How do I create shared schedules? - not done
How do I edit a shared schedule?
How do I create unoccupied set point override periods?
How do I rename a shared schedule?
How do I copy an existing shared schedule?
How do I delete an existing shared schedule?
How do I create an event schedule for multiple thermostats?
How do I edit a multiple thermostat event scheduled?
How do I delete a multiple thermostat event scheduled?
Vacation Schedules
How do I choose which days my site is on vacation? - not done
How do I set which thermostats go on vacation?
Can a Pelican thermostat control a floating actuator?
Can a Pelican thermostat control a two-position actuator?
Can a Pelican thermostat control a multiple fan speeds?
Can I "lock-out" compressors based on an outdoor temperature?
Can I disable or lock a thermostat’s Fan Button?
Can I disable the thermostat’s internal temperature sensor?
How do I hide a thermostat on the app?
How does Pelican assist with freeze prevention?
How do I control a dual fuel Heat Pump?
How many Cool Stages do I select for a thermostat?
How many Fan Stages do I select for a thermostat?
How many Heat Stages do I select for a thermostat?
What do I set Heat Needs Fan to?
What is CO2 Ventilation?
What is Compressor Lockout?
What is Cool Range?
What is Fan Circulation Minutes?
What is Heat Range?
What is the difference between Auxiliary and Emergency Heat?
What should I set a thermostat’s Reversing Valve to?
What should I set a thermostat’s System Type to?
What should I set Anticipation Degrees to?
What should I set Cycles Per Hour to?
When should I use the thermostat Calibration Degrees?
What should I set a thermostat’s Zone Controller configuration to?
What should I set Fan Purge Cycle to?
What should I set Damper Type to?
What should I set Reheat Type to?
What should I set Notification Settings to?
How to hide a section within an article.
How can I Delete a Thermostat from a site?
How do I delete a Wired Temperature Sensor or PEARL Economizer Controller?
How can I Replace a Thermostat?
Show all articles
( 18 )
Collapse Articles
What voltage floating actuators can a Pelican thermostat control?
Touch Thermostat User Interface
TS Series Thermostats - End of Production
Sequence of Operations
How does Pelican assist with freeze prevention?
How do I adjust how long a thermostat keeps the fan enabled after a heating or cooling cycle?
When is Fan Circulation Minutes used?
When would I disable the thermostat’s internal sensor?
What do the symbols on a Pelican thermostat mean? - not done
Why are all my thermostats unreachable? - not done
Why does one of my thermostats say unreachable? - not done
Why is a new thermostat not connecting? - not done
Why is the relay wiring module not communicating?
Gateway Troubleshooting
Why won’t my gateway connect?
Gateway Installation
How do I install a Pelican cellular gateway?
How do I replace a Pelican Cellular gateway with a Pelican Ethernet gateway?
Can I set a Pelican gateway for a static IP address?
Do I need a Public IP address for a Pelican gateway?
Does a Pelican gateway use a DHCP or static IP address?
Does a Pelican gateway use Inbound firewall ports?
How do I change a Pelican gateway from static back to DHCP?
How do I install a Pelican Ethernet gateway?
Ethernet Connection
How much data does the Pelican Solution use?
Sequence of Operations
How does Pelican assist with freeze prevention?
How do I wire a PEARL to control a separate supply and return damper actuator?
How do I wire a PEARL to control my economizer?
How do I wire a PEARL to control enable an exhaust fan?
How do I wire a PEARL to control a variable speed fan (VFD)?
How do I add a PEARL to a thermostats?
Zone Coordinator
Zone Controller
Why won’t my zone controller connect?
What do the lights on the zone controller indicate? - not done
What does the light on a zone controller's antenna indicate? - not done
Why is a zone controller unreachable? - not done
What do the zone controller lights indicate? - not done
What do the zone controller's antenna lights indicate? - not done
Zone Controller Dehumidify Sequences
Damper Sequences
How does Pelican control a parallel fan powered box during a heating cycle?
How does Pelican control a series fan powered box during a heating cycle?
How does Pelican control a zone box during a heating cycle?
How does Pelican control a parallel fan powered box during a cooling cycle?
How does Pelican control a series fan powered box during a cooling cycle?
How does Pelican control a zone box during a cooling cycle?
How does Pelican control a parallel fan powered box during a ventilation cycle?
How does Pelican control a series fan powered box during a ventilation cycle?
How does Pelican control a zone box during a ventilation cycle?
How do I wire a Zone Controller to control a separate supply and return damper actuator?
Temperature Probes
What is the Temperature / Resistance value for a Pelican external temperature sensor?
Getting started
Types Of Information
Provided Software
Best practices
Thermostat API
Thermostat API Overview
Thermostat Attributes
ThermostatSchedule Attributes
SharedSchedule Attributes
ThermostatHistory Attributes
ThermostatEvent Attributes
ThermostatUsage Attributes
MySites API
MySites Attributes
Notification API
Notification Attributes
User API
User Attributes
Power Control Module API
Power Control Module API Overview
PowerOutput Attributes
PowerSchedule Attributes
Demand Response API
Demand Response Attributes
DemandResponseHistory Attributes
PowerLink API
PowerUsage Attributes
Site API
Site Attributes
Tag - delete ta1
How do I delete a Wired Temperature Sensor or PEARL Economizer Controller?