What is the Maximum Ventilation Position?

The Maximum Ventilation Position is the maximum percentage open the outside damper will be allowed to be placed during a Demand Ventilation cycle.

Note: This configuration is only active if there is a Pelican thermostats with a CO2 sensor that can request a Demand Ventilation cycle.

For a Pelican thermostat with a PEARL controller: this configuration can be found in the Pelican Web-App > Admin > Thermostat Configuration > ‘select any thermostat‘ > Economizer > Maximum Ventilation Position.

For a Pelican Z8 or Z24: this  configuration can be found in the Pelican Web-App > Admin > Zone Controller > ‘select any controller‘ > Configuration Settings > Economizer > Maximum Ventilation Position.

Configuration options and their meanings:​

100% (default): The outside damper will be allowed to open all the way to 100% open during a Demand Ventilation cycle.

Allowable Settings: Any percentage from 0% to 100%, but must be set greater the Minimum Damper Position.